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constant, adj.
  1. fastur
constant, n.
  1. fasti, fastastærð
constant field
  1. fastasvið
    = field of constants
constant function
  1. fastafall, fasti, fast fall
constant of motion
  1. hreyfingarfasti
constant of proportionality
  1. hlutfallstala, hlutfallsþáttur
constant term
  1. fastaliður
    = absolute term
constant transition probability
  1. föst færslulíkindi, stöðug færslulíkindi
curve of constant breadth
  1. jafnbreiður ferill
    = orbiform curve
Euler's constant
  1. fasti Eulers
field of constants
  1. fastasvið
    = constant field
functional constant
  1. fallfasti
integration constant
  1. heildunarfasti, tegrunarfasti
locally constant
  1. staðfastur
logical constant
  1. rökfasti
method of variation of constants
  1. aðferð breytilegra stuðla
    = method of variation of parameters
non-constant, adj.
  1. ekki fastur
numerical constant
  1. talnafasti
variation of constants
  1. = variation of parameters