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coefficient, n.
  1. (of a matrix or determinant) stak, stuðull
    = element 1, entry
  2. (of a polynomial) stuðull
autocorrelation coefficient
  1. eiginfylgnistuðull, sjálffylgnistuðull
binomial coefficient
  1. tvíliðustuðull
coefficient matrix
  1. stuðlafylki
coefficient of correlation
  1. fylgnistuðull
    = correlation coefficient
coefficient of dilatation
  1. stríkkunarstuðull
coefficient of excess
  1. ferilris, reisn
    = excess 2, kurtosis
coefficient of multiple correlation
  1. fjölfylgnistuðull
    = multiple correlation coefficient
coefficient of rank correlation
  1. raðfylgnistuðull
    = rank correlation coefficient
    -> Kendall rank correlation coefficient, Spearman rank correlation coefficient
coefficient of variation
  1. breytistuðull, fráviksstuðull
    = variation coefficient
  2. frávikshlutfall
confidence coefficient
  1. öryggisstuðull
    -> confidence level
correlation coefficient
  1. fylgnistuðull
    = coefficient of correlation
diagonal coefficient
  1. = diagonal element
differential coefficient
  1. deildastuðull, deildahlutfall, diffurkvóti, afleiða (í punkti)
    = derivative at a point, differential quotient
diffusion coefficient
  1. sveimstuðull
factorial coefficient
  1. Stirling-tala
    = Stirling number
Fourier coefficient
  1. Fourier-stuðull
highest coefficient
  1. forystustuðull
    = highest degree coefficient, leading coefficient
highest degree coefficient
  1. = highest coefficient
Kendall rank correlation coefficient
  1. raðfylgnistuðull Kendalls
leading coefficient
  1. forystustuðull
    = highest coefficient, highest degree coefficient
looping coefficient
  1. hlekkjunartala
    = linking number
method of undetermined coefficients
  1. stuðlasamanburður, stuðlaákvörðun
multiple correlation coefficient
  1. fjölfylgnistuðull
    = coefficient of multiple correlation
numerical coefficient
  1. talnastuðull
partial correlation coefficient
  1. hlutfylgnistuðull
partial differential coefficient
  1. hlutafleiða (í punkti)
    -> partial derivative
rank correlation coefficient
  1. raðfylgnistuðull
    = coefficient of rank correlation
    -> Kendall rank correlation coefficient, Spearman rank correlation coefficient
regression coefficient
  1. aðhvarfsstuðull
Spearman rank correlation coefficient
  1. raðfylgnistuðull Spearmans
undetermined coefficient
  1. óákveðinn stuðull
variation coefficient
  1. breytistuðull, fráviksstuðull
    = coefficient of variation 1