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base, n.
  1. (for a neighbourhood system) grenndagrunnur, grunnur af grenndum
    = base at a point, local base, local basis, neighbourhood base, neighbourhood basis
  2. (for a topology) grunnur, opinn grunnur
    = basis 1, open base
  3. (of a logarith) grunntala, stofntala
  4. (of a numeration system) grunntala, stofntala
    = radix 2
  5. (of a power) veldisstofn
    = radix 3
  6. (of a solid) grunnflötur
  7. (of a triangle) grunnlína
  8. (of a vector) upphafspunktur
    = origin 2, point of application
  9. (of an ideal) spannmengi (íðals), íðalspannmengi, framleiðandi mengi, spannandi mengi
    = basis 3, ideal base, ideal basis
    -> set of generators
base angle
  1. grunnhorn
base at a point
  1. = base 1
base circle
  1. (of a circular cone) grunnhringur
base curve
  1. = base line 2
base field
  1. grunnsvið
    = basic field, ground field
base line
  1. (of a cycloid) veltilína, veltibraut
  2. (of a roulette) veltibraut
    = base curve
base of natural logarithms
  1. (talan $e$) grunntala náttúrlegs logra, stofntala náttúrlegs logra
    -> $e$
base point
  1. grunnpunktur
    = distinguished element
base space
  1. grunnrúm
base vector
  1. grunnvigur
    = basis vector
data base
  1. gagnasafn, gagnagrunnur
data base theory
  1. gagnasafnsfræði
dual base
  1. = dual basis
extension of the base ring
  1. útvíkkun grunnbaugsins, víkkun grunnbaugsins
filter base
  1. síugrunnur
ideal base
  1. spannmengi (íðals), íðalspannmengi, spannandi mengi, framleiðandi mengi
    = base 9, basis 3, ideal basis
    -> set of generators
local base
  1. grenndagrunnur, grunnur af grenndum
    = base 1, base at a point, local basis, neighbourhood base, neighbourhood basis
module base
  1. = module basis
neighbourhood base
  1. grenndagrunnur, grunnur af grenndum
    = base 1, base at a point, local base, local basis, neighbourhood basis
open base
  1. opinn grunnur, grunnur
    = base 2, basis 1
open subbase
  1. opinn forgrunnur
spherical segment of one base
  1. = spherical segment 1
spherical segment of two bases
  1. = spherical segment 2
subbase, n.
  1. forgrunnur